# Circuit notation AutoEIS uses a custom notation to represent circuit models based on the following two rules: 1. Elements in series are separate by a `-` symbol. 2. Elements in parallel are enclosed in square brackets `[ ]`, and are separated by a `,` symbol. For example, the following circuit: ```{image} ../assets/ecm.png :class: fig-ecm :align: center ``` is represented as `R1-C2-[R3,P4]-[R5,[R6,C7]]`. As for the component names, AutoEIS uses the following convention: - `R` for resistors - `C` for capacitors - `L` for inductors - `P` for constant phase elements (CPEs) Resistors, capacitors, and inductors are each parameterized by a single value, which is the component value in Ohms, Farads, and Henrys, respectively. CPEs are parameterized by two values, the magnitude $Q$ (represented by `w`) and the exponent $\alpha$ (represented by `n`) based on the following equation: $$ Z_{CPE} = \frac{1}{Q \times (j\omega)^{\alpha}} $$ For example, consider component `P4` in the above circuit. The corresponding CPE is parameterized by `P4w` and `P4n`. The other components are parameterized by `R1`, `C2`, `R3`, `R5`, `R6`, and `C7` (basically, the parameter name is the same as the component name).