
autoeis.visualization.plot_impedance_combo(freq: ndarray, Z: ndarray, fmt: str = '.-', markersize: int = 6, ax: list[Axes] | None = None, label: str | None = None) tuple[Figure, list[Axes]]

Plots EIS data in Nyquist and Bode plots.

  • freq (np.ndarray[float]) – Frequencies corresponding to the impedance data.

  • Z (np.ndarray[complex]) – Impedance data.

  • fmt (str, optional) – Format of the markers in the plot. Default is “.-“.

  • markersize (int, optional) – Size of the markers in the plots. Default is 10.

  • ax (list[plt.Axes], optional) – List of axes (must be of length 2) to plot on. Default is None.

  • label (str, optional) – Label for the plot. Default is None.


Figure and axes of the plots.

Return type:

tuple[plt.Figure, list[plt.Axes]]